We just passed 200 subscribers! đ Thank you for reading, I will do my best to keep this interesting for you! /Daniel
2nd London meetup for Grin/Mimblewimble was held in London with ~25 participants. Presentation of various mimblewimble-related projects. Picture above.
Small mention in a Mashable article.Â
Ivan on Tech on Mimblewimble and Grin. High level stuff. (via @buckyballs)
Youtube playlist of Mimblewimble videos. (via @xempew)
Last weekâs dev meeting was postponed, and is now scheduled for today, same time as usual, 21:00 UTC.
Yeastplumeâs weekly update from last Monday, next update due Aug 20th.
PR#1241: Remove Iron dependency and upgrade Hyper. Great work from @hashmap & co that got merged, and heâs now 5th âofficialâ Grin committer. Well deserved!
@ignopeverell is working on introducing support for asynchronous transaction building. A test was successfully completed this morning.
Lots and lots of great updates to the wallet and transaction building documentation.
Discussion on mining difficulty adjustment.
BLS signatures implementation (based on Chiaâs recent announcement).
Scriptless scripts research material collection.
@jaspervdm created and mined the first custom built transaction. A step in the right direction and opens the door for many potential use cases.
@bladedoyle has added support for a REST API to grin-pool.
URL to share this article: https://grinnews.substack.com/p/grin-news-8-aug-07-2018
This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on daniel-at-lehnberg.net or find me on Gitter.