Welcome all subscribers! Excited by the initial interest, will try to make this as valuable as possible for you. Feedback on improvements to the format is always welcomed. I’m away next week, so the next letter might be delayed. Depends on whether I will have access to a reliable internet connection. /Daniel
Andrew Poelstra and Scriptless scripts covered in the context of Bitcoin in a Coindesk article. Andrew also made some comments on the article on Gitter.
@hashmap’s summary of the Berlin meetup last week.
Unchained podcast with David Vorick of Sia and Obelisk on mining centralisation, ASICs, and GPUs. Includes a response by Jihan Wu of Bitmain.
Gitter dev meeting was postponed to next week, and will now take place two weeks in a row.
PR#1163 to add kernel sum and MMR sizes to the block headers. Fixes fast sync vulnerability and a couple of other issues.
There is now a testnet3 branch.
Contracts documentation updated with time locked transactions by @antiochp.
@yeastplume weekly update.
On the forums
Reverse transaction building, where the recipient creates the transaction and publish to the Blockchain instead of the sender.
Discussion about Governance plans.
More logo proposals are coming in.
Grin Testnet2 faucet by grinpool.co is live.
“Multi-Hop Locks for Secure, Privacy-Preserving and Interoperable Payment-Channel Networks”. (Via @urza_cc_twitter)
Upcoming Events
Aug 1, London: The 2nd London meetup. Agenda TBA.
URL to share this article: https://grinnews.substack.com/p/grin-news-2-jun-25-2018
This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on daniel-at-lehnberg.net or find me on Gitter.