The first ETH <—> Grin atomic Swap announced by council member @jaspervdm, together with first word of GrinSwap, a Grin atomic swap exchange.
Following last week’s Governance meeting, David Vorick of Sia and Obelisk participated in extensive debates around the previously announced Dual PoW proposal. Discussion lasted for days and is quite extensive, if you want to catch up it starts somewhere here. A (one-sided) summary of Vorick’s arguments can be found here.
Paper by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis on Payment Systems and Privacy. Abstract: Privacy in payments is desired not just for illegal transactions, but also for protection from malfeasance or negligence by counterparties or by the payments system provider itself. Proposals to abolish cash take inadequate account of these legitimate demands for privacy. While central banks can play a useful role in setting standards for payments privacy, they are unlikely to have a comparative advantage at providing privacy. Therefore the replacement of cash by central bank electronic money is likely to spur demand for alternative means of payments to solve specific privacy problems.
Notes from last week’s Governance meeting. PoW discussion, Grin logo selection, Risk Mgmt, Audit, and Formal Specs were covered.
Next bi-weekly developer meeting is scheduled for Today @ 3PM UTC in Gitter/Dev channel.
@Yeastplume’s weekly progress update.
There are 66 currently open issues in Grin.
29 pull requests were merged in the past week, with 8 unique contributors.
On the Forum
More discussion around miner controlled emissions.
Logo submissions picked up again.
FlyClient protocol by Benedikt Bünz to allow for very fast sync / light clients. Relevant Gitter discussion.
Schnorr signatures reading collated.
September 5, Berlin: BEAM’s Vladislav Gelfer is speaking at the Zero Knowledge Summit - ZK0x02. Full agenda here.
Support Grin
@Yeastplume has a funding campaign for Oct 2018 - Feb 2019. Consider donating to help Grin progress faster. Current status: ~€3,900 of €45,000 target.
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This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on or find me on Gitter.