New binary slate format with armoring comparisons to JSON.
Parallel IBD RFC draft up that aims to improve syncing.
Armored slates RFC encoding the slates to an easy-to-share format.
How to use NRD Kernels for payment channels.
The Grinnode.live Node Challenge has finished! Details for how winners can claim their prizes, by @mcm-mike
There are 103 open issues in /grin, and 31 open issues in /grin-wallet.
Merged PRs: 3 in /grin | 7 in /grin-wallet | 3 unique contributors
Grin v4.0.0 Network Upgrade (HF3), expected ~ July 15, 2020:
@tromp posted to mailing list outlining the planned use of NRD kernels for payment channels asking for feedback.
New RFC: Parallel IBD, by @jaspervdm.
New RFC: Armored slates, by @j01tz.
@antiochp weekly update.
@yeastplume weekly update.
A new binary slate format was introduced by @yeastplume leading to further space savings. Here’s a comparison of the armor output for JSON and binary variants.
The next bi-weekly developer meeting is tomorrow Tuesday Apr 28 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#dev on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda.
The last governance meeting discussed a new structure of keybase teams, and reviewed the open RFCs.
The next bi-weekly governance meeting is scheduled for Tue May 05 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda.
Relative kernels [node-dev]
Multiple named wallets [wallet-dev]
Create a Moderation team [core]
Slate Serialization [wallet-dev]
e2e encrypted slates over http(s) [wallet-dev]
No Recent Duplicate (NRD) Kernels [node-dev]
Compact Slates [wallet-dev]
Final Comment Period
General fund spending guidelines [core] - disposition to Merge, FCP extended to May 05.
“Glass Glow Grin” Artwork in this edition is by @LovelyGrin.
This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on daniel.lehnberg-at-protonmail.com or find me on Keybase.