Cryptonews interviewed some core Grin contributors including yours truly.
Whilst Cryptobriefing did another interview where @ignopeverell spilled the details of the Grin secret sauce.
Grin discussed at Satoshi Roundtable V as per recap by @lopp.
There are 134 open issues in the Grin repo.
20 pull requests were merged in the past week, by 9 unique contributors.
A look at some of what’s in the works for v.1.0.2.
@yeastplume begun effort to split out wallet into its own repo. Allows node and wallet to have individual deployments, easier to support third party development.
Next bi-weekly developer meeting is scheduled for tomorrow Tuesday Feb 19 @ 15:00 UTC in grin/Dev on Gitter. You can add topics to the agenda.
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Coinspect was chosen for the security audit of the core, keychain, wallet, and chain crate in the past week’s governance meeting.
The next bi-weekly governance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday Feb 26 @ 15:00 UTC in grin/Lobby on Gitter. You can add topics to the agenda.
Any mention of a project in this section should not be seen as an endorsement.
Poloniex added support for Grin and pledged to contribute share of tx fees to dev fund for one year. (big up!)
Libgrin, a grin library written in Go, was open sourced by Grimint.
CryptoKnight Grin pool up, 0% fee, lots of stats, supports grinbox payouts.
Report and musings from swag shop TMGOX.
Upcoming events
Feb 22, Bangkok, THA: Grin Asia Meetup
Mar 26, Amsterdam, NL: Grin Amsterdam Meetup
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This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on or find me on Gitter.
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