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Only conceived a few weeks ago, grincon0, the first conference on Grin and Mimblewimble, drew a full house at c-base in Berlin. Many also tuned in to the livestreaming of the event, including the projectās anonymous founder @ignopeverell who opened the conference remotely via text-to-speech that was sent over ssh.
A warm thanks to the sponsors who donated to the security audit in support of the project, and to all of you who were able to make it there and contribute to the great atmosphere.
While we've now dropped down to third position, Grin was briefly theĀ #1 trending Rust repo on GitHubĀ on a monthly basis.
An intro to Mimblewimble (behind Medium paywall).
A TokenDaily article about Mimblewimbleās strengths and weaknesses.
Next bi-weekly developer meeting is scheduled forĀ Tomorrow Nov 13 @ 15:00 UTC inĀ grin/DevĀ on Gitter. You canĀ add topics to the agenda.
There areĀ 109 open issuesĀ in Grin.Ā
30 pull requests were mergedĀ in the past week, with 10 unique contributors.
@ignopeverellĀ applied for the Samsung NEXT Stack Zero Grant in the hopes of securing better funding for Grin.
Outlining some of the thinking behind picking Cuckoo Cycle as proof of work for Grin.
The next bi-weekly governance meeting is scheduled to forĀ Tuesday Nov 20 @ 15:00 UTC inĀ grin/LobbyĀ on Gitter.Ā You canĀ add topics to the agenda.
Discussion on the merits of switching to Curve25519-dalek for faster bulletproofs.
@mcdallas unveiled Gringotts, a transaction building service that works via Keybase direct messaging.
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This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on orĀ find me on Gitter.