October 20 marked two years since @ignopeverell created the /grin repo. Happy Griniversary to all in the community!
This also coincided with the LAUNCH OF TESTNET 4 🎉, hopefully the last net before mainnet. A lot of improvements went into T4, big up to all those who contributed to make it come together like it did.
Jameson Lopp discussed Grin and Mimblewimble in an interview.
Jackson Palmer mentioned Grin on his podcast.
Fairly balanced Grin and Mimblewimble intro by Cryptobriefing.
More general Intro to Mimblewimble by Finrazor.
Timothy May, author of the Crypto Anarchist Manifesto, on the current state of Crypto.
Progress update on the Security and Code audits. If you have the means, please consider donating to help fund this effort.
@Yeastplume’s weekly progress update.
There are 94 open issues in Grin.Â
40 pull requests were merged in the past week, with 10 unique contributors.
Next bi-weekly developer meeting is scheduled for Tuesday Oct 30 @ 15:00 UTC in grin/Dev on Gitter. You can add topics to the agenda.
Next bi-weekly Governance meeting is scheduled for tomorrow Tuesday Oct 23 @ 15:00 UTC in grin/Lobby on Gitter. You can add topics to the agenda.
@ignopeverell jumped on the constant emission rate thread on the forum in an attempt to raise the quality of discussion a couple of notches, offering some advice on how to critique the current approach.
@apoelstra’s workshop on scriptless scripts and adaptor signatures from Scaling Bitcoin.
Two tickets opened by @hashmap that are laying the groundwork for P2P transaction building: #1797 and #1798
Another paper supposedly written by ‘Tom Elvis Jedusor’ surfaced, but people in the know seem unconvinced on its authenticity.Â
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This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on or find me on Gitter.