153: ASIC Markets Heating Up🔥
Location for ongoing PIBD testing now open for contribution and feedback
New research paper by Georg Fuchsbauer and Michele Orru: "Non-interactive Mimblewimble transactions, revisited"
PowPower has been formally introduced to the community and confirmed by Ipollo as an official point of distribution for Grin ASICs, with a show of support PowPower has pledged 2% of sales to be donated to Grin project development. This also brings more competition to the ASIC market, which may already be the case as both PowPower and Nhash in return have lowered prices. G1-Mini now $499 and G1-Biggy $14500
The grinnode.live team remains busy at work with the launch of a new uptime monitor tool for their running services with the code open for review over on the grinnode.live github page
PIBD - Validation Deadlock Fix
PIBD - Thread simplification + More TUI Updates + Stop State Propagation
PIBD - Update number of simultaneous peer requests for segments
Merged PRs: 4 in/grin | 0 in/grin-wallet |
In last weeks community meeting
Provide more exposure to Bisq and other exchanges
GrinCC github and website review
Bounties for training videos
Discuss request for funding @Jankie1800
The next bi-weekly development meeting is scheduled for Tue March 15 @ 10:00 UTC in grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda & review past meeting notes
Request for Comments
Payjoins Support by Phyro
Safe Cancel by Tromp
Early Payment Proofs by Tromp
Multiple Named Wallets by Sheldonth
Multisignature Outputs by GeneFerneau
Atomic Swaps by GeneFerneau
Manual Confirmation of Transaction by DavidTavarez
QA Team by Joltz
Artwork in this edition "untitled" is from graphic design legend GrinSingularity
This newsletter is curated by Jank Claus. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on helpengine@protonmail.com
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