145: A New Mining Guide For The Newly Launched GAEA-Pool 🌌
Marek from Grinventions💡 has been busy creating a precise slatepack integration guide for support of the many GRiN exchanges and pools. Additionally check in and support the ongoing Grinvention MimbleWimble PHP development based on MimbleWimble-Javascript and MimbleWimble-Python
Introducing the newly launched GAEA Pool. Now providing miners with more pool choices and helping to harden the decentralized network. With a nice start the GAEA-Pool is already contributing over 5% total hashpower! Please consider making the switch for a healthy and decentralized network
The GrinCC Tools-Hub is being updated into a total GRiN resource compendium; now includes an extensive list of past, present and future contributions covering the expansive multitude of various GRiN commitments
New GRiN mining guide 👍 available thanks to beincrypto.com
@jimmyispromo is back after 30 days of hands-on mining with the Ipollo G1-mini. Operating on the pool 2miners connected with the Grin++ wallet- this detailed follow up includes ROI calculation, and a detailed Ipollo G1 buying guide
Both G1-mini and G1 Grin Asics miners are still available. Remember to contact official sites only
Nhash Contact Telegram (https://t.me/NHASH_iPollo_GRIN_Miners)
İpollo official website(http://ipollo.com/)
Grin++ Mobile wallet beta release v0.3.0
First Milestone - Coinswap Implementation with @Scilio
Atomic Swaps review is ongoing with GeneFerneau
GRiN Ledger Nano hardware wallet development update from MarkHollis
Now included in the GRiN Tools Hub is a new exchange template solution API and GRiN test-net exchange. Both developed by @Pkariz
Also now included in the GRiN Tools Hub is the @axinrock developed Grinmail email protocol- designed to automatically send and receive transactions via email
The next bi-weekly development meeting is scheduled for Tue Nov 23 @ 10:00 UTC in grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda & review past meeting notes
“Swishinggrin“ artwork in this edition is by @LovelyGrin
This newsletter is curated by StakerVali & Jank Claus. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the GRiN project
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on helpengine@protonmail.com