After amazing contributions from the Grin community, and in particular a record breaking donation from Iancu Aurel, Yeastplume’s funding round has closed successfully. Grin has got his full time attention for another six months. Thanks to all donors and contributors for this strong show of support.
Grin is now included in the Proof of Work newsletter. The updates are focused on project work progress specifically, generally a subset of the contents of this newsletter, covering different time intervals. Contributions to the updates are open and encouraged.
A statement on alternative MimbleWimble projects, to answer repeated questions from media and other outlets.
Notes from last week’s developer meeting. Among other topics, a decision was made to introduce Testnet 4.
Next bi-weekly developer meeting is scheduled for Tuesday Sep 18 @ 3PM UTC in grin/Dev on Gitter.
A scheduled hard fork test will be conducted at block 95,000 (~ this Friday AM UTC).
@Yeastplume’s weekly progress update.
There are 66 currently open issues in Grin.
15 pull requests were merged in the past week, with 8 unique contributors.
Grin now has a vulnerability disclosure and security process.
Next bi-weekly Governance meeting is scheduled for Today @ 3PM UTC in grin/Lobby on Gitter.
On the Gitter & Forum
Cuckatoo, the sequel to Cuckoo, might see AMD having efficiency gains over Nvidia GPUs for lean mining.
The Grinmint Mining Pool was announced together with a donation in a badass statement by Catheryne Nicholson, Blockcypher CEO and Founder. 🤘
Discussion on the recent Liberal Radicalism paper by Buterin, Hitzig, and Weyl.
Slides from Vladislav Gelfer and the talk he gave on BEAM at the Zero Knowledge Summit in Berlin last week.
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This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on or find me on Gitter.