Some details of an upcoming Grin ASIC was announced in last week’s AMA.
Findings from independent Grin security audit published.
Cuckatoo31 solutions are no longer accepted as valid proof of work.
Refresh of the code of conduct proposed.
Grin News goes on summer break next week,
and is back again in full force on Aug 31. 🕶🍹
Proof of Work
Thomas Hu from Vidtoo shared a few details of their upcoming ASIC in last week’s governance meeting. The professional grade is meant to be capable of 40-42 Graphs/s at 2800-3100W with 30 ASIC chips, and there’s a smaller consumer grade miner with a single ASIC chip at 100W roughly expected to mine at 1.40-1.33 Graphs/s. No release date yet.
Transcript from the AMA from the meeting notes.
In a new RFC, @tromp proposes that Grin’s Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm is changed to wtema, targeted for v5.0.0.
It’s now no longer possible to solve blocks with Cuckatoo31, all miners should now be mining Cuckatoo32 blocks, or the GPU-targeted Cuckarooz algorithm.
There are 89 open issues in /grin, and 45 open issues in /grin-wallet.
Merged PRs: 2 in /grin | 3 in /grin-wallet | 5 unique contributors
@yeastplume’s weekly progress update.
@phyro begun work on an RFC that define wallet rules that act as mitigation against (re)play attacks.
The next bi-weekly development meeting is scheduled for Tue Aug 18 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda.
@paouky’s weekly progress update.
Proposal to add an updated version of the Code of Conduct to the Grin website by @lehnberg.
Aside from the AMA, the last governance meeting also covered the Code of Conduct, the Fix DAA and Wallet replay protection rules RFCs, and discussed the “eliminating finalize” proposal.
The next bi-weekly governance meeting is scheduled for Tue Aug 25 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda.
Results from a Grin v4.0.0 security audit by Nym Seddon came in, with the final audit report published to the /grin-security repo.
A forum thread gathers the pros/cons of enforcing unique kernels in Grin as a mitigation against (re)play attacks, initiated by @DavidBurkett.
Cipher from the Nervos team published a draft design of their Mimblewimble implementation, requesting feedback from the Grin community.
Eliminating finalize step [wallet-dev]
Parallel IBD [node-dev]
QA Team [core]
Deprecate HTTP(S) Transactions [wallet-dev]
Final Comment Period
“Native Mimble Grin” artwork in this edition is by @LovelyGrin.
This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on or find me on Keybase.