ASIC AMA tomorrow in the governance meeting
Pics and stats from a G1 ASIC miner on the forum
New transaction building RFC
There will be an ASIC AMA with Thomas Hu from Vidtoo & Microcomputer, and Kevin Shao at Bitrise Capital in tomorrow’s governance meeting. Those interested should attend or post questions in advance.
@garyyu posted pictures and info about from a borrowed G1 ASIC miner.
There are 90 open issues in /grin, and 43 open issues in /grin-wallet.
Merged PRs: 1 in /grin | 3 in /grin-wallet | 2 unique contributors
In the last dev meeting there was some v5.0.0 planning, and discussion of BP+, NRD kernels, expiring kernels, and the proposal to eliminate the finalize step in transaction building…
…which continued to be discussed at length in the forum. @DavidBurkett is turning the latest of these ideas into an RFC that simplifies the transaction building with an invoice workflow that’s sender and amount agnostic and support payment proofs.
The next bi-weekly development meeting is scheduled for Tue Aug 18 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda.
@paouky’s weekly progress update.
The next bi-weekly governance meeting is scheduled for Tue Aug 11 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda.
NEW! - Eliminating finalize step [wallet-dev]
Parallel IBD [node-dev]
QA Team [core]
Deprecate HTTP(S) Transactions [wallet-dev]
Final Comment Period
“Unusual Grin” Artwork in this edition is by @LovelyGrin.
This newsletter is curated by Daniel Lehnberg. Any views expressed are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project.
Got news or articles you would like to include? Any feedback or other suggestions? drop me a line on daniel.lehnberg-at-protonmail.com or find me on Keybase.
Hello grin, what algorithm will be extracted for the future?